Mile High XML - Specializing in XML based Architecture Consulting

Welcome! Mile High XML ( is
Dave Hollander's
web space used for communication
with my friends and colleagues as we develop interoperable XML
based eCommerce environments. It is not formally managed and all
resources here may be changed without notice.
See Dave's Personal
Page or my photos.
References and White Papers
CIM Workshop
Aliging XML Information and Data Archtiectures - Dave Hollander - 2008-01-17 - pdf
Semantic Learning and Vocabulary Structure
- Dave Hollander
- 2005-09-13
- html
Semantics Role in Enterprise Service Bus deployment.
- Dave Hollander
- 2005-09-12
- html
Thoughts about Infoworlds review of SOA service bus products.
- Dave Hollander
- 2005-08-03
- htmlHAPPY Birthday XML, you are 5 years old!
- Michael Sperberg-McQueen and Dave Hollander
- html
XML Trends presented to RIT
- Dave Hollander
- 2005-05-03
- ppt
Designing a Semantic Processing Pipeline
- Dave Hollander
- 2005-03-03
- html
XML and eBusiness Presented to University of Colorado at Denver
- Dave Hollander
- 2005-04-07
- ppt (2.7 MB)
Semantic Integration - Executive Summary
- Dave Hollander
- 2004-01-06
- pdf (250K MB)
Semantic Integration - Full Paper Requires registration at
- Dave Hollander
- 2004-01-06
- pdf (1.6M MB)
Use Models to Solve the Web Services Adoption Challenge
- Dave Hollander
- Nov 2002
- html (0.1 MB)
Semantic Chaos: The Quest for the eBabblefish
- Dave Hollander
- August 2002
- html (0.1 MB)
Web Services Presentation for XML World 2002 in New Orleans
- Dave Hollander
- Oct. 2002
- html (0.3 MB)Pervasive
eCommerce - prepared for Dr. Shih-Chien Yang,
Minister of State, R.O.C.
- Dave Hollander
- February 2000
- html
Just In Time Information Management -
These essays were written while reading Thomas Stewart's
Intellectual Capital
- Dave Hollander
- 1998Knowledge Work and
Knowledge Society - The Social Transformations of
this Century
- Peter F. Drucker
- May 4, 1994As We
May Think
- Vannevar Bush
- July 1945
Also, see
HAPPY Birthday XML, you are 5 years old!
XML and Web Service standards, many of which were created by W3C working groups I co-chaired.
W3C Web Services Architecture Working Group
- PublicW3C Web Services Architecture Requirements Document
- Public
Web Services Press Coverage
- My Site
Schema Spec
- Public
Namespaces in XML 1.1
- Related - Namespaces are revised December 2002The Annotated XML
- Tim Bray on XML.COMebXML - UN/OASIS eCommerce using XML
Mortgage Industry Standards
Favorite Books
Semantics in Business Systems; The Savvy Manager's Guide
Clearly explains the background and application of semantics in business systems.
- Dave McCombJava Web Services Architecture
- James McGovernModeling Business Objects with XML Schema
- Berthold DaumSystem Architecture with XML
- Berthold Daum
The Death of E and the Birth of the Real New Economy
- Peter FingarInnovator's Dilemma
- Clayton ChristensenModeling XML Applications with UML
- Dave CarlsonIntellectual Capital
- Thomas StewartBuilding Enterprise Information Architectures
- Melissa A. Cook
Some Links
Hypermodel information on xmlmodeling.comHypermodel
closes the gap between XML Schemas and UML with a easy to use graphical interface.
Anclote PressJohn Hagel Essays and thoughts of an eComm consultant
The eCo Framework -
my eCo slides (471K, powerpoint)
"Davenport on: Nets upon Nets"; April 2000; interesting perspective on role of XML
and Semantic Transparency - Robin Cover
A good
article that describes to the lay person the difference
between syntax and semantics and how XML fits. "...information
objects in an SGML/XML document are by
markup in a meaningful, self-documenting way through the
use of which are carefully selected by
domain experts for element type names, attribute names,
and attribute values."
Last Modified: January, 2008